Apples are a low glycemic fruit and are proven to help regulate blood sugar levels and provide anti-asthma and anti-cancer benefits. They are high in vitamins A,C,B1, B6 folate and E and are extremely rich in antioxidants. They are full of nutrients that attack oxidative stress in the body associated with cancer & cardiovascular disease. Soluble fibre called pectin is also found in apples which helps soothe and clean the colon. They have one of the best sources of boron which is an important mineral for building strong bones and helping prevent osteoporosis.
Avocados contain more potassium than any other fruit and vegetable. This is an important mineral and most people don’t get enough of it. They are high in essential fatty acids, fibre so good for our gut health, contain 17 vitamins and minerals including Vitamins A, C & E. All B vitamins except B12, including Riboflavin, Iron, Calcium, Copper, Phosphorus, Zinc, Niacin and Magnesium. Studies have shown that eating avocado can improve heart disease, lower LDL and raise HDL cholesterol levels. They can also help regulate blood sugar levels.
Beetroot is a blood boosting vegetable and is an excellent source of iron and folate. Full of nitrates that help open blood vessels so that oxygen can flow better and help regulate blood pressure. It’s high in Vitamin A and the enzyme Betaine which is a powerful antioxidant and anti inflammatory. It’s one of nature’s finest blood builders and cleansers. Did you know that long distance runners often use Beets to increase their stamina?
Broccoli is known as the “king” of the cruciferous family and is one of 4 vegetables that are high in Vitamin E. It has vitamins A, B & C, rich in Iron, high in Folate (Vitamin B-9) It’s a natural antioxidant and a good source of Vitamin K. Like all cruciferous vegetables, broccoli promotes good colon health, protecting against constipation and colon cancer.
Carrots are a rich source of vitamin A B & C, beta-carotene, biotin, vitamin K, dietary fibre, molybdenum, potassium. They are a good source of manganese, niacin, vitamin B1, panthothenic acid, phosphorus, folate, copper, vitamin E and vitamin B2. Good for eye health, helps liver function, boosts immune system, prevents heart disease, regulates blood sugar levels, reduces risk of cancer & strokes, has a cleansing effect on the liver, improves digestion.
Celery contains more than a dozen key antioxidants and phytonutrients. Nutrients in the fibre are released during juicing so helps support the digestive system. It’s a powerful anti-inflammatory known to reduce swelling and pain around the joints, helps relax muscles surrounding blood vessels which increase blood flow and help decrease blood pressure. Helps lower cholesterol, protects liver health and reduce bloating.
Cucumbers are an excellent source of vitamin K, pantothenic acid, copper, potassium, manganese, vitamin C, phosphorus, magnesium, biotin and vitamin B1. They also contain the important nail health-promoting mineral silica which helps strengthen connective tissue. They are very hydrating, help flush out toxins anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory are low in calories and high in fibre, fat burning, which makes them useful for both weight loss and digestive health.
Ginger has many healing benefits and is part of the turmeric and cardamom family. It’s high in Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6,C & E, copper, potassium, sodium, iron, calcium & magnesium. It helps ease asthma symptoms, headaches, nausea, indigestion, gastrointestinal disorders such as bloating and constipation, anti fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine, boosts immunity, weight loss...the list goes on,
Did you know that Kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet? Its rich in vitamins K, A and C, along with other vital nutrients such as Iron. The health benefits of kale include detoxification, heart health, cancer prevention and is also highly anti-inflammatory.
Lemons are a diuretic and help flush out the kidneys. They are full of vitamins and many nutrients, in particular Vitamin C which is one of the most important antioxidants as it helps fight free radicals which are know to speed up ageing. Helps combat inflammation in the body. Compounds in lemons called limonoids have been shown to fight various cancers. They are a great cleanser as they help stimulate the liver and flush out toxins like uric acid. They help balance the body’s ph levels, alkalising and help aid weight loss.
Limes are packed with vitamin C (ascorbic acid), a natural antioxidant, important for boosting the immune system, protecting against colds and many bacterial illnesses. Calcium which is good for bone & teeth health, magnesium which supports muscle health, phosphorus for bone & teeth health, potassium for brain function, cell & muscle health, zinc which supports immune function, eye, nail and hair health, Vitamin E which is good for skin, nails, hair, and cell health and vitamin K for blood and bone health.
Pineapples contain Vitamin C, B-Complex, folate, thiamine, riboflavin and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus and manganese. It’s loaded with nutrients to keep us healthy especially an enzyme called Bromelain which is a natural anti-inflammatory and can help reduce inflammation in the body. It helps to digest protein faster, speed up digestion, reducing bloating and constipation. It also helps clear mucus and boosts your immunity. It’s also rich in soluble and insoluble fibre.
This lettuce has a high nutritional value. The many vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients found in Romaine are very good for preventing or alleviating lots of common health issues. It provides an excellent source of Vitamins A, K, B1, C and folate. Some minerals found in Romaine Lettuce are manganese, potassium, copper, iron and biotin.
Spinach is a powerful food that has many health benefits and is extremely good for your overall health. It contains amino acids, carotenoids, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C,A,E B2, B6 and K. It’s alkaline so helps maintain ph level balance in the body. It’s packed full of protein, zinc, fibre and is rich in antioxidants and promotes healing. The Chlorophyll and carotenoids in spinach help increase your energy levels.
Peppers are high in Vitamin A, C and E (all anti-oxidants), high in Vitamin B complex(B1,B2,B3,B5,B6 & B9). They have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Can help in reversing signs of ageing due to high antioxidant levels, promote healthy skin from damage causing radicals. They are high in silicon which helps encourage healthy nails and hair.
Watermelon contains citruline, an amino acid that may increase nitric oxide levels in the body. It helps your blood vessels expand, which lowers blood has many other vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B6, C magnesium and potassium which are good for heart health.