“An Apple a Day”....keeps the Doctor away..

Find out the many benefits 

You’ve all heard the saying  ”an apple a day keeps the doctor away”.  This is an old English proverb that basically means that eating nutritious food will make you healthier, and as a result, you won't need to go to the doctor very often.

That’s because apples have so many health benefits, and another reason why they are used in our recipes at Juiceology.  


The Benefits:

  1. Apples are rich in folic acid, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. They contain small amounts of B1, B2, B3, biotin and Vitamin E.

  2. They contain pectin which is a soluble fibre that works to maintain a healthy digestive system and help sweep away toxins. It also helps reduce “bad” cholesterol and glucose levels as well as blood pressure.

  3. They contain flavonoids which help clear and relax arteries.

  4. Apples help with asthma, arthritis and rheumatism.

  5. Apples contain potassium which is a very important mineral and crucial for heart health.

  6. They are a great source of super antioxidants and polyphenols.

  7. Help boost your immune system due to high amounts of Vitamin C.

  8. They provide a nutrient called boron which promotes bone strength and brain health.

make sure your getting your apple a day...and keep the doctor away.🍏


Why not get in touch and order some of our delicious juices today!